
One word; specialization.

• Specialization is the Key to Make Money

What do most people that make a lot of money in this world have in common? What do Tiger Woods and Bill Gates have common? Or how about George Soros and Venus Williams? At first you might say “nothing” besides the fact that they all make a lot of money. But what is the fundamental reason, behind all else, that these people and others like them make so much money while the rest of the world struggles to get themselves out of bed in the morning? One word; specialization.

People that make a lot of money focus in on one thing that they are passionate about, and they do it over and over and over until they achieve the result they are looking for. Simply put, you cannot really make a lot of money at anything in life if you master nothing. 

All of the people in the above example have literally “mastered” one thing, sure they had ups and downs along the way, but they did not let that bother them, instead they transmuted this negative energy into motivation and pressed on because they believed in what they were doing.

In forex trading we need to focus on one price action setup at a time and become a “specialist” in it, get to the point where you find yourself being someone that other traders look to for advice on the setup that you “own”. Become an authority on each price action setup before you move on to the next, there is no sense in doing anything half in this world, and trading price action setups is no different.


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